Saturday, October 24, 2020

Vandwelling 101- Eating Well On A Budget

Nothing beats sandwiches as a meal that's both healthy and inexpensive.  Add a piece of fruit,  some chips, and you're looking at approximately $1.50 a meal.  

A recent trip to Walmart cost me about $10. I got 2 pounds lunchmeat (#4.78),  8 ounces sliced cheese ($2.22),  a loaf of bread (88 cents), a 2 liter of store brand cola (86 cents). That easily covers the base for 2 days meals for me.  

That's about $5 a day for 3 meals, about the same cost as a very cheap fast food meal for one meal.  

Breakfast is another inexpensive meal.  A package instant oatmeal,  some fruit,  a cup of coffee. That runs $1 for a full meal.  

I buy fruit on sale.  I prefer fresh.  That usually means grapes or bananas.  Cantaloupe is another good bargain. 

Lately I've preferred meals with little to no cooking required. 

I keep cans of meat on hand,  tuna, salmon, chicken breast. They can be used for sandwiches or as the base of a meal.  Instant rice is a good deal when I'm in town.  The higher cost is offset by reducing cooking fuel costs and time.  

There are many varieties and variations in meals and food. Very little extra time or effort involved in making my own as opposed to eating out. 

Good coffee to you
Just Lou

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