It's easy to just drift, hours become days, days become weeks, and weeks melt into years, squandering your time and resources. I do not suggest rushing around with every moment packed with "meaningful moments" and frenzied attempts at mimicking the life you think is desirable.
It's also easy to live by feelings and impulse. That's just as harmful (in my opinion) as living without emotions.
I'm talking about balance, values, and self-discipline. Character. Freedom. Integrity. Really embracing all of life, good and bad. So, what does a morning routine have to do with this? Everything, it has everything to do with how your life is lived and who you become.
My morning routine bridges the gap between sleeping and waking up. It sets the tone for my day. It helps me get things done. It facilitates a nice even emotional keel so that when life smacks me in the face full force as it tends to do, I'm able to roll with the punches.
Many will tell you to start the day off with a full breakfast. That's not me. Each person is different. I need to ease into my day gently with quiet and solitude. In my opinion, talking before the morning coffee is a crime worthy of the death penalty.
I started this blog entry yesterday and as usual, my day went off the tracks. I did fix the stuck Van side door lock and I was able to close door fully to avoid a big draft.
Today, in spite of very cold morning weather, my day is on track. I've had my morning coffee. The potty has been emptied while walking Kira for her potty. Trash has been taken out. The bedding is put up, and all the pillows as well. Kira is in her sweater and her collar on. Breakfast is last night's leftovers reheated and tastes delicious.
I've filled the water jug (from big jug to gallon sized for ease of use). I have a small sink full of dishes to clean and put up. I've a second cup of coffee almost gone, and I have time to enjoy the crisp day.
And I got this blog finished and posted.
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