Here's how to have coffee on almost zero money for equipment and no kitchen setup.
Method one
Sterno stove frame and ozark trails stainless steel cup
About $5 for cup, about $7 for folding sterno stove frames and a can of sterno runs about $3.
Figure 1, folding sterno stove with sterno canned heat and a sterno pan
When I first started, even that was too much investment. The following method only costs the amount of a bottle of isopropyl alcohol, usually about $2.
I used a empty small Vienna sausages can. I put used paper towel in it and filled it half way with rubbing alcohol 70% or higher.
I have a little wire rack to go on it and even an old empty can is useful to heat water in. If you don't have a wire rack, cut slits just below the top rim all the way around the can. An alcohol stove must have airflow to burn. Conversely, easily put out by putting a lid on it.
The coffee
I like instant coffee. I waver between Taster's Choice or Great Value Columbian. The GV columbian runs $5.98 for a 7 ounce jar that easily lasts me a month. Taster's Choice usually runs about $8.97 for same sized 7 oz. jar.
You can use regular ground coffee, tie up 2 tablespoons coffee in a coffee filter and put in the water. Bring water up to a boil. Don't over boil it too long or it becomes bitter. Or you can drop your tied up coffee in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Allow coffee to steep until it's desired strength. You've just made the coffee variation of a teabag.
Cream and sugar? Flavored coffee?
I do enjoy cream and sugar in my coffee
The flavored liquid nondairy creamer small bottle costs $1 at Family Dollar stores. It doesn't need refrigeration after opening. Just be sure to close it tightly.
The powdered flavored nondairy store brand creamer is generally about $3 for a largish bottle.
There are many choices in nondairy creamer.
There are too many choices of how to sweeten your coffee from sugar to agave to honey to zero calorie artificial sweeteners. I prefer raw sugar, but I've been known to use honey, light brown cane sugar, dark brown cane sugar, or even karo syrup.
Flavoring Your Coffee
I'm known for enjoying various flavors of coffee. I'll add cinnamon, marshmallow, or any flavored extract generally used in baking. I also enjoy adding a touch of unsweetened cocoa powder for a hint of dark chocolate flavor.
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Good coffee to you
JustLou and Kira too