Saturday, January 16, 2021

Vandwelling 101 -- Personal updates

It's been a while since I wrote this blog regularly.  A lot of things happened in my life,  including my van down constantly for over 6 months.  

Just as I was ready to get on the interstate for a trip that's been postponed month after month,  again my van didn't start.  This time it's just a V-belt, and was a bit harder to find the correct size. It's a 48 hour $11 delay.  I am so grateful it was literally 5 minutes before I left,  that it's an easy and inexpensive fix. 

New batteries,  new fuel pump,  new alternator, 2 starters, oil change,  and everything ok.  The correct belt on Monday.

I'm so excited to be back traveling finally.  I only planned on staying one month. 

So finally,  Monday,  i start off once again

See you down the road,


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