Monday, April 17, 2017

Vandwelling 101 - A Clean Van Is A Happy Van

Keeping the van clean is much easier and less overwhelming than having to deep clean it.

I thought I'd share a few of my personal tips & tricks.

Your van shouldn't smell...funky or excessively of air fresheners. Most air fresheners merely mask the smell.

So how to keep the van smelling fresh? There are a couple of things that make a van smell musty or funky.

Moisture: you can get condensation just from breathing. The answer is simple: Crack a window or open the windows/doors an hour or two a day.

Feet odor: one of the biggest culprits in van funk is dirty smelly feet. Using a small basin, wash your feet at least once or twice a day. Make sure you dry them completely. If you wear closed shoes, you need two pair. Rotate daily, leave open with some baking soda in them on the off day. Clean socks!

Dirty Laundry. Dirty clothes stink. Keep the laundry done, make sure clean clothes are completely dry before putting away. Air dirty clothes, then store in tied up plastic bags.

Food. Food crumbs get in seats and carpet. Use a dry scrub brush, a carpet sweeper, or go to car wash & use the powerful shop vacuum.

Bedding: wash or air out often to prevent funky smells. You can spray all fabric/carpeted areas and head liner with vinegar spray bottle. This will kill odor causing germs.

The potty. Trust me it can be smelly. Empty daily if possible. Rinse with a bit of dawn and water. Toss some baking soda in. Add water to urine jug.

I use very simple homemade cleaning products.
It's amazing how well your nose will become more aware of smells once you stop using excessive store bought cleaners with scents

These are my favorite cleaning items. They work well, are budget friendly, and are very environmental friendly.

Vinegar & water. Half vinegar and half water in a spray bottle. (1:1)

Murphy's oil soap: used for greasy spots, food spills. One cup Murphy's oil soap to 3 cups water (1:3) great for cleaning the dash .

Baking soda: use anywhere you'd use comet in a house. Also used as fire extinguisher and deodoriser.

Dawn dish soap: I keep smallest bottle sold of dish soap.

See ya down the road

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