Friday, June 16, 2017

Vandwelling 101- Expectations versus Reality

omg- we've bought a van ...follow our adventures on [insert favorite social media platform ]
So starts the hashtags and dreams of many a newbie. Some will actually learn to love and appreciate this lifestyle. Many will mourn the modern conveniences they've given up without really thinking what this lifestyle entails.
It's not all beach sunsets and margaritas. Some days it's hot, dusty, sticky, dirty dishes, omg where and how to do laundry.
Most days (to me) are actually good. A lazy morning parked under a shade tree enjoying coffee and cinnamon rolls.
Then there are days that a black hole in the van swallowed glasses, phone, tablet, or even your favorite coffee cup. Who knew vans had so many nooks and crannies to swallow stuff up. Finding a black phone under the driver's exercise in frustration. Tip: any florescent tape or bright colors electrical tape...make an X across back of phone case. Phones also slide up into the front of the dash...
I'm currently chasing turquoise heishi around the's here somewhere...and i needed it yesterday.
Things spill on matter how careful you are. Get a runner rug or floor mats. You'll be so grateful you did.
Stealth parking...with a small dog???   hahaha
Omg...van won't start...left radio or lights on way too long. Got distracted, was jamming to some happens. Haul out your jumper cables, connect to your house battery and starter battery. Wait about ten minutes and jump yourself. Leave cables connected for about 20 minutes while vehicle runs so you charge your starter battery back up..
I could go on...but here's what I'm telling you...even if it's not the picture perfect life instagram led you to believe it're not doing it wrong.
Even in a van Life Happens
see ya down the road,
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