Sunday, November 13, 2016

Coming Soon -- Especially for Newbies

In the past, I've blogged primarily when I had something I felt worth saying rather than a weekly or daily blogger.

I've always found writing easy for me but I've never really yearned to be a published author. Let me clarify one thing...I have the utmost respect for those who are published authors, it takes much more than most of us will ever begin to guess.

I'm an experienced vandweller and RV-er. Many of you know that I have a smaller van group on Facebook. Lately I've had friends suggest I do a book on vandwelling.

I've always shied away from presenting myself as a guru or voice of authority on vans or vandwelling. I've always been turned off or repelled by those who endlessly promote themselves with YouTube channels or websites and forums.

While I am neither a guru or the ultimate authority on vandwelling, I am experienced and love sharing what I've learned along the way.

A lot of my lessons came from
     a) making common mistakes and
     b) being on a really tight budget.

Having MS means fatigue factored in and I had to figure out easier ways to do things.

So, I thought I'd use this blog as a means of passing on things I learned from other even more experienced travelers, the lessons I learned the hard way, and my personal philosophy on how to live this lifestyle.

I'm currently temporarily in an apartment, but I'll be returning to full time vandwelling and traveling early January 2017.

So, watch this blog (I'll set it up soon for email subscription) and I'll go over many of the basics starting very soon.

Perhaps I'll see some of you on the road soon.


  1. wow! sounds like just the type of sharing of information that I am interested in..the practicle aspects of being able to do this "van living" working with and around the physical limitations presented by the MS.....Thanks

  2. Yay! I do you to you for wisdom like a guru so, to me and many others like me, you are one of the pillars of self-sufficiency. Whether on the road or off, you have practical advice on how to prepare for most situations without spending unnecessary funds and without the bulk of "things" we seem to think we need. I already search your group for posts about various subjects and can't wait to see what you do next! You are amazing and I sincerely thank you for being willing to share your knowledge - especially when you've probably repeated yourself several times (once or three times to each of us haha). You are a blessing. <3

    1. I meant, I do look to you for wisdom like a guru so if the shoe fits ... :)

    2. You are so sweet.
      This blog now set up so you can also subscribe by email
