Quite a few of us wouldn't dream of leaving beloved fur family behind.
I travel with two small dogs. They love it. All I have to do is say ROADTRIP! Mount up! And I've two happy eager quivering pups.
There are two parts to traveling with dogs:
Their comfort
Consideration of others.
I carry bottled water to avoid tummy upsets. We schedule frequent potty stops. I am able to keep fresh water and dry food always available for mine, even while going down the road.
The front passenger seat is known as Chihuahua Command Central. It's set up for comfy naps, a good 180+ degree view, and is their favorite spot.
On the floor is a crate with door removed for those private puppy times.
It's important when traveling with pets to make sure everything is secured so nothing falls while moving. I learned that the hard way...no problems except scaring da pups.
Leashes... I keep two sets handy, I retractable, and one standard length. I always put them each in their own places.
Shot records are kept clipped to the visor. Little bear nipped someone once nearly breaking skin. I promptly apologized and grabbed the shot records to reassure the individual that said pup was current.
I know many like to leave dogs off leash. I'm not one of them. I carry portable pen, leashes, and my dogs are not allowed to run free.
In the desert, you need to be alert for coyotes. Often that lone coyote is just a lure to get your dog back where their pack is waiting. You also have to watch for snakes and birds of prey.
Louisiana was gators, loggerhead turtles, snakes, eagles, hawks, and other birds of prey. Keeping pet on leash and being vigilent means your beloved fur family continues to enjoy good health and travel with you.
Scoop that poop. Even in wild areas. Poop draws flies and bugs. Clean up after your pet. Also you don't want to step in it and bring it back in your van.
Walk pets away from the van to pee...or you'll have loads of flies.
Not all dogs are friendly. When traveling, be conscious and considerate of others also walking dogs. My tiny cute dogs will bite, are protective, and easily distracted.
Take good care of your pets.
See you on the road.